Luck Machine
ISL was challenged to create a larger than life experience for incoming freshmen while also encouraging them to download and use the Lyft app. We decided to convert an old soda vending machine into a fully functioning Slot Machine. Combining an exciting digital interface with a classic, vintage-inspired exterior fit with a giant metal handle.
The Lyft Luck Machine is a giant, Lyft-pink slot machine complete with a massive chrome handle, flashing LEDs, proprietary vending software, custom animations, and much more. College students would be able to try their hand at the Lyft Luck Machine for the chance to win awesome Lyft merch and ride discounts. Two lucky players could win $100 of Lyft credits every day! The catch? Before being able to play, the student had to prove they had the Lyft app downloaded on their phone.
Our objective was to design a machine big enough to draw attention while still being approachable, on-brand, and incredibly fun. Naturally, we started by retrofitting a vending machine, as they’re already large and designed for transport. From there we added a customized dispensing mechanism, micro-controlled LED lights, a 32-inch display, and plenty of pink paint. We connected everything using logic designed to dispense different prizes at different rates, adding a programmatic, gamified thrill to the experience.
As Industrial Designer on this project, I was directly responsible or aided in the Ideation Sketching, Renderings & final Design.