Artwork and Installations
A collection of various Artworks or Installations that I have been apart of over the years. It ranges from blah buddy blahh.

Solo Exhibition

A solo show featuring a collection of works spanning a 10 year period of mixed media collages, video installations, sculpture, furniture and more.
Homme Gallery
52 O street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Sound Installation
Collaboration with Alex Braden, Drew Hagelin, Seshat Walker, and Erik Moe Listeners enter booths and answer payphones to listen to stories from the U Street Public Archive and stories from the future, as imagined by Future Cartographic Society.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Public Library
Washington, DC

Sculpture/Sound Installation
Cassette tape, vintage boombox electronics and speakers, wood.
Collaboration with Alex Braden, Emily Francisco, and twenty-five DC-based musicians.
Washington DC

Site Specific Sculpture/Video Installation
Narcissus, narcosis, numbness. The NARCOSYSTEM is a multimedia installation that addresses the cultural changes of digital self-documentation and social exhibition–in essence, the NARCOSYSTEM is an exploration of digital vanity and a looking glass into the emergence of a new collective subconscious identity. The subversive effects of Youtube, Instagram, and other online self-publishing platforms have created a system of culture that fortifies singular nodes out of individuals, actively connecting and weaving together patterns of association to catalyze a reversal from singular to mass identity.
The videos in this piece were sourced from Youtube and molded together to offer an understanding of the mirroring quality of mass self-expression paired with the obsolescence of selfhood. Strobes of primary colors frequent the content of the stream, deriving a youthful, panicked energy. A live feed from Instagram is also integrated to offer a constantly updated, random current of selfies that flash by in fractions of a second. The quick patterns of association built when viewing this stream abstract the individual content of each image, revealing the conforming, reflexive nature of the medium. By decontextualizing digital imagery in tube televisions, we allude to the work of Nam June Paik, a pioneer in understanding the subversive forces of mass culture in the screen, and we draw upon the echo of emergence in mass identity by taking our viewers back to where the system truly began.
Katzen Art Center
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016

Site Specific Sculpture/Video Installation
This installation touched on tired motifs and arbitrarily glorified artists of our time. With works featured by Cindy Sherman, Ansel Adams, and my all-time favorite Thomas Kinkade. The installation was comprised of painted walls, tchotchkes and old tube televisions.
Washington, DC